I found that the majority of the class agreed with my understandings of the four artists. However, there were a few people who did suggest different viewpoints and interesting insight.
Gregory Crewdson:
I found it interesting that Adri brought up color as being one of Crewdson's main tools of manipulation. I find that Ryan explained Crewdson's work to "feel very silent"
Many feel that Crewdson's work invokes narrative and plot. Joey explained how the characters in Crewdson's work appear very lonely.
Teun Hocks:
Many people agreed with me that Hocks's work conveys comedy and humor.
I found Adri's insight that Teun's work has an elegant brand of quirkiness to be very interesting and well put.
All in all, Teun's work is mostly described as comedic or dreamlike.
Jeff Wall:
Many people had different descriptions of Wall's work than me.
Most however, agreed that Wall's work is very conceptual and offers much insight.
Also, many agree that Wall's work also shows a bit of societal tension between people.
Cindy Sherman:
Many agree that Cindy Sherman's work is enhanced by the black and white compositions. Katie presented great insight with her remark saying that Sherman's work are not self-portraits, rather a representation of womankind.